Everybody - Cu'egghie


Let drop youself - 'Va ieccati


Lamb and sauce and the baptism is end -

Agnedd'e'sucu e finiu u vattiu


Uncle Joe - 'Zu Pinu...


he's a child - E' un picciriddu


I should do like an horned man - Facissi comu un curnutu


I would totally fuck her - Ci facissi u feistinu ci facissi


Look at him how he's cute - Talialu che bieddu


Beautiful saint mother - Bedda matri santissima


Again,again...that I'm enjoing it - Ancora,ancora...ca mi sta piaciennu


See you later - 'nnamu vistu


A kiss - 'na vasata


This street take you to nowhere - Chista strata ca' un spunta


Mud compared to you is distilled water - U' fangu n'confont'attia è acqua distillata


Do we have to cut this ball??? - Chi 'ffa u tagghiamu stu palluni???


Let's go...it's nothing...let's have a coffee -

Amunì...un c'è nienti...pigghiamunni u cafè


Is there any problem? - C'è pobblema?


Water makes him wet and wind dries him - L'acqua u vagna e u ventu l'asciuca


Beautiful mother Mary - Bedda matri Maria


The best of everybody - U' meggh'i'tutti


From the godfathers take wines - Ri parrini pigghianu i vini


Fly low - Vola vasciu




You can do it - C'a po fari!


What are you saying? - Chi ddici?


Take yourself again - Arripigghiati


The wind in church is necessary,but not to cool the priest -

Ci vuoli vientu n'chiesa,ma no arrifriddari u parrinu


The wind in church is necessary,but not extinguish the candles -

Ci vuali u vientu n'chiesa,ma no astutari i cannili


Broken day, waist all the day - Iurnata rutta,peiddila tutta


He cutted beef and bones - Tagghia carne e uassa


Everything left,is lost - Ogni lassata è pirduta


Better say what I know,that say what I knew - Megghiu riri chi sacciu ca' chi sapievu



Happyfield of Littlerock - Campofelice di Roccella


GoodCastle - Castelbuono


CeleryCastle - Casteldaccia


RocketsPussy - Ficarazzi


Battle Plane - Piano Battaglia


Pumpkin Plane - Piano Zucchi


Beautiful Flash - BelloLampo


Mr White - MisterBianco


Maybe - Capaci


Little nice - Carini




Three engine's soon - Figghiu ra tri mutura


Go and say bitch to your mother - Va' ricci buttan'a'to' ma'


Go and say cuckold to your father - Va' ricci cuinnutu a to pa'



Follow our guide-lines and you won't get lost in the beginning of your experience

Get a flat in the city-center at local prices

Info about parties,

activities and pictures

The craziest party of the year
The craziest party of the year
Teatro Massimo
Teatro Massimo

Beautiful pictures and info about the city

Info about the most known clubs of the city-center


Discover some tasty specialties from our region

Videos of the past years by other International students

Videos of some typical Sicilian song



Per le ragazze prova svolta da Serena con il suo "GIN TONIC CON TANTA VITAMINA C"